Victoria Nelson
Pixel Graphics Designer, Model Sheet Design, Web Sites
Ontario, Canada

Set up Fees
- one page $100
- each additional page is $50 up to 20 pages
- over 20 pages, $25 each
Search Engine Fees
Referring you to search engines so that people can find you on the internet. The fee is whatever I am charged plus $15 for setting it up. After the initial set up you can choose to pay this yourself each year or I can include it in your website costs. Search engine and promotion is a fixed yearly fee.
Hosting Fees
These depend on whether you are using my web site as your host site or another. If you want an independent host on another site then you will have to pay that site to use it. If you use Homestead (that I use) they have various prices according to your needs ranging between $150 and $1,100 per year. If you have just a small web site then I can host you on my own for a very nominal fee depending on how many pages you need.
Maintenance Fees
Low maintenance - $50 per year
This means a few changes here and there, add a bit more content, etc., and you have between 1 to 5 pages
Moderate maintenance - $100 per year
This means a few changes here and there, add a bit more content, etc., and you have between 6 to 10 pages
Medium maintenance - $200 per year
This means some changes are taking place fairly regularly and you have between 2 to 10 pages
High maintenance - $300 per year and up
This means regular changes and and you have 3 pages or more
If you don't exactly fit into a category these prices may change slightly however we can work out something reasonable. Web Site Maintenance is a fixed yearly fee subject to change as your needs change (more or less maintenance).